

大暑 | 怎么用英语表达一年中最热的日子?

发布者:北雅国际英语 发布时间:2023-07-31 10:53


Major Heat is the 12th of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese lunar calendar and the last one of the summer. Major Heat normally marks the beginning of the hottest period.


1. 大暑的气候特征

Like Minor Heat, many natural calamities such as floods, droughts and typhoons also happen during Major Heat. Therefore, it's important to harvest and plant in time to avoid setbacks caused by natural disasters.


It's a season with the highest temperature,  and also it is the most frequent time for drought. After this day, firefly comes out, soil gets more and more humid and heavy thunderstorm comes from time to time. The days around the "Major Heat" witness the blossom season of jasmines and lotuses.


2. 大暑的节气习俗


Cricket fighting is a popular pastime for some people in China during this period. The custom dates back more than 1,000 years to the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907).



Litchi is a nutritious fruit containing glucose and vitamins. People usually soak litchi in cold well water first and eat it. It is said that litchi during Major Heat is as nourishing as ginseng.



There is a saying in Taiwan which goes, "Eating pineapples in Major Heat." During the period of Major Heat, pineapple tastes best.



With the amazing ability to quell the summer heat, grass jelly is described in a popular saying in Guangdong province that goes, "Eating herb jelly in Major Heat will make you stay young like the immortals."

烧仙草消暑效果惊人,广东有俗语写道 “六月大暑吃仙草,活如神仙不会老。”



“If the hottest days don't come during the Major Heat, they will come in autumn.” When the Major Heat is not so hot as in previous years, people can prepare themselves for a rise in temperature following the Beginning of Autumn.




“If it rains heavily during the Major Heat, we will see a frost within a hundred days.” If there is heavy rain around the Major Heat, the temperature will go down quickly when autumn comes, and the first frost will set within a hundred days. This proverb reminds farmers to plan ahead for the autumn harvest.

