


发布者:北雅国际英语 发布时间:2020-06-18 17:03



1. 一块披萨:a slice of pizza

2. 一块巧克力:a bar of chocolate

3. 一串葡萄:a bunch of grapes

4. 一个面包:a loaf of bread

5. 一粒米:a grain of rice

6. 一袋土豆:a sack of potatoes

7. 一个冰淇淋球:a scoop of ice cream

8. 一块方糖:a cube of sugar

9. 一篮蔬菜:a basket of vegetables

10. 一把玉米:a handful of corn

11. 一篮子鸡蛋:a basket of eggs

12. 一箱香蕉:a crate of bananas

13. 少量盐:a dash of salt



1. 一片原野:a stretch of field

2. 一片花海:a field of flowers

3. 一道闪电:a bolt of lightning

4. 一层薄冰:a thin coat of ice

5. 一片月光:a flood of moonlight

6. 一束光线:a beam of light

7. 一层岩石:a layer of rock

8. 一团烟雾:a cloud of smoke

9. 一片草叶:a blade of grass

10. 一块木头:a block of wood

11. 一股风:a gust of wind



1. 一碗汤:a bowl of soup

2. 一壶茶:a pot of tea

3. 一杯咖啡:a cup of coffee

4. 一勺药水:a teaspoon of medicine

5. 一罐柠檬汁:a jug of lemonade

6. 一盒果汁:a carton of juice

7. 一小杯伏特加:a shot of vodka

8. 一罐啤酒:a can of beer

9. 一瓶牛奶:a bottle of milk

10. 一杯牛奶:a glass of milk

11. 一箱油:a tank of gas

11. 一滴雨水:a drop of rain

12. 一加仑汽油:a gallon of gasoline



1. 口若悬河:a flood of words

2. 人潮如涌:a flood of people

3. 一条建议:a piece of advice

4. 一丝微笑:a wisp of a smile

5. 一阵笑声:a burst of laughter

6. 泪如泉涌:a flood of tears

7. 一连串的想法:a train of thoughts

8. 一条消息:a piece of information

9. 一线希望:a glimmer of hope

10. 铁路网:a network of railroad
