

发布者:北雅国际英语 发布时间:2020-12-24 13:27


1. a couple of:两三个、几个

2. account for:解释

3. adapt to:使适应于

4. be capable of:能…的

5. be characterized by:以…为特征

6. be composed of:由…组成

7. be regarded as:被认为是

8. contribute to:有贡献、有助于

9. cope with:对付

10. date back to:始于

11. focus on:集中(注意力)于

12. go out of business:停业、关门

13. have nothing to do with:与…无关

14. impart to:传授给

15. impose on:强加于

16. in common:共同

17. perceive sth as sth:认为

18. pick up:学会

19. put off:推迟

20. to some extent:某种程度上

21. turn out:结果是、证明是

22. usher in:宣告…的来临

23. wear away:磨损

24. wipe out:消灭、肃清

25. with respect to:在…方面
