

发布者:北雅国际英语 发布时间:2020-12-22 13:51


1. 使人耳目一新的人:a breath of fresh air

2. 引人注目:a knockout

3. 沉默寡言的人:a man of few words

4. 不如意的日子:a rainy day

5. 讨人嫌的人:a wet blanket

6. 坐立不安:ants in one's pants

7. 非常清楚:as clear as a bell

8. 与某人一样时髦:as mod as sb

9. 了如指掌:at one's finger's tips

10. 混乱的:at sixes and sevens

11. 幕后英雄:backroom boys

12. 指手划脚的人:backseat driver

13. 洗耳恭听:be all ears

14. 目不转睛:be all eyes

15. 绝佳的、最棒的:beyond compare

16. 大发脾气:bite one's head off

17. 不孝子女:black sheep

18. 怒发冲冠:blow one's top

19. 不赔不赚:break even

20. 辛勤工作:break one's back
