

NO.225 | 英文的名人名言!

发布者:北雅国际英语 发布时间:2024-04-17 15:24



1.The two most important days in your life are the  day you are born and the day you find out why. (Mark Twain 马克吐温著名作家)


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 

The Million Pound Note 

Passion 热爱 

I was born to xxx 我是为xxx而生的 

例:I was born to be a singer 我是为唱歌而生的

2.The greatest mistake a man can ever make is to  be afraid of making one(Elbert Hubbard 著名作家)

Be afraid of doing sth

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes 

Like, xxx once said


3.What seems to us as bitter trials are often  blessings in disguise(Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡王尔德 诗人,作家)

Bitter 痛苦的

Trail 足迹

Blessing in disguise 伪装的祝福

4.If you are born poor it’s not your mistake but if  you die poor, it’s your mistake(Bill Gates 比尔盖茨)

5.When something is important enough, you do it  even if the odds are not in your favor.(Elon Musk 埃隆马斯克 世界首富)

Odds 概率

In one’s favor 对…有利


Elon Musk said, xxx and what I’m about to do is very important to me

6.Success is walking from failure to failure with  no loss of enthusiasm(Winston Churchill 丘吉尔 政治家,前英国首相)

Enthusiasm 热情

7.You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take(Wayne Gretzky 韦恩·格雷茨基 冰球手 hockey player)

Shots (在体育比赛中):击球,射门,投篮

8.You must expect great things of yourself before  you can do them(Michael Jordon 迈克尔乔丹 篮球运动员)

Expect great things of myself.


Believe in xxx
