


发布者:北雅国际英语 发布时间:2023-03-22 09:34


1. 节气春分的形成

Spring Equinox is the middle of spring and usually on the 20th or 21st of March every year. After the equinox, the sun moves northwards, resulting in gradually longer day time in the Northern Hemisphere and longer night in the Southern Hemisphere. 


2. 节气春分代表了什么

"Spring Equinox" indicates two meanings. Firstly,  on this day, the night and day are approximately equally long with 12 hours each. Secondly, it's the mid-point for the spring season.


3. 节气春分的气候特征

After this day, the sun continues to move to the Northern  Hemisphere and the temperature continues to rise. Daily average temperature in most areas in China reaches 0 degree Celsius above. 


Warmer temperatures thaw frozen  ground to make it easier for planting crops, increased rainfall waters these and animals that hibernated over winter emerge from their dens. 


4. 春分传统习俗


As the old saying goes, swallows fly back to the North in the first hou; thunder cracks the sky in the second hou; lightning occurs frequently in the third hou, which vividly reveals the climate feature during the Spring Equinox.



In the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and Qing Dynasty (1636—1912) , the imperial family held this ritual in Ritan park every Spring Equinox. The Ritan park gradually became a common place for public recreation. However, the practice still exists among the public. 



As the Spring Equinox comes, farm work starts and both the farmers and the cattle start to become busy. Farmers will reward cattle with sticky rice balls to express their gratefulness. Meanwhile,  people will also make sacrifice to birds, to thank them for bringing signals for farm work and to ask them not to eat grains later in the year.

