


发布者:北雅国际英语 发布时间:2023-02-14 09:29

又到了一年之中最浪漫的日子啦~情人节在英语中称为“Valentine's Day”,“Valentine”是一个人的名字,“St. Valentine”音译为圣瓦仑丁(或圣华愣定)。情人节为什么是以人名命名的?其背后有什么故事呢? 


We do know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance, and that St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. But who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated with this ancient rite?


Saint Valentine was a priest who lived in the Roman Empire around 200 AD. During this time, Emperor Claudius ll was known to have outlawed marriage for young men. He believed that married men did not make good soldiers. But Valentine did not agree with this mandate and he continued to perform secret marriages for young couples.


Sadly, he was caught and sentenced to death. lt is said that while he was in prison,  Valentine too fell in love, and that he actually sent the first "valentine card" to his love, signing it: "From your Valentine". Supposedly, he died in the middle of February, thus Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th, in honor of his death.



In ancient Rome, February 15th was the first day of a fertility festival called Lupercalia, dedicated to the Roman god of agriculture. On this day, it was tradition for men and women to be paired up randomly by a lottery system to be married. 


Allegedly, Pope Gelasius actually banned the Lupercalia festival because it was a pagan ritual, but perhaps he wanted to see the festival continue on as a Christian holiday. Pope Gelasius declared February 14th St. Valentine's Day during the late 400s AD. 


